

More Knowledge and Expertise in the Praxes Online Store

When you and your staff have a busy schedule, it's hard to find time for training. Yet the knowledge you receive from new courses improves your clinical skills and most importantly your client outcomes. 

That's why Praxes offers online training courses in our Store. Available from one to three hours, the courses are research-based, offer examples, and give you practical expertise. It's easy: you go to the course, select from the offerings, purchase, and download. 

Course titles such as Functional Behavior Analysis, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Crisis Management. Your next dose of clinical knowledge is just a click away.

Intensive Parent Model Training

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Product Details

The Intensive Model training is a three -hour course that educates the participant in a practice which reduces the stress of parents of special needs children and improves the child’s behavior. This practice is ideal for parents of high-risk children with a history of hospitalizations, out-of-home placements, school disruptions, and/or juvenile justice record. The practice involves a 12-session curriculum, which will be taught to the parent through discussion and role play. Through the training, the participant will develop competencies to begin utilizing this curriculum with parents. The process of identifying clients, receiving referrals, engagement of parents, using the materials, and helping the parents develop skills will be included.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Describe the connection between parental stress and the challenges of the child with special needs.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in the three core components of the Intensive Model program.
  • Apply the model’s curriculum to parents in the participant’s practice.
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Intensive Parent Model Training
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